słownik Polsko-Angielski »

jasne w języku angielskim

jasne verb

got itverb
I understand

jasne interjection

noncommittal yes

jasne jak słońce

as clear as day

jasne jak słońce adjective

plain as the nose on one's faceadjective

do jasnej adverb

the helladverb
expletive used for emphasis after an interrogative term

grom z jasnego nieba noun

bolt from the bluenoun
something totally unexpected

an event that is terrible, horrific or unexpected

jak grom z jasnego nieba

out of the blueunexpectedly

ta jasne interjection

yeah, rightinterjection
sarcasm to express disbelief

tak jasne interjection

yeah, rightinterjection
sarcasm to express disbelief