słownik Polsko-Angielski »

druga w języku angielskim


two o'clock

druga adjective

second (numeral)

Druga Księga Kronik noun

2 Chroniclesnoun
book of the Bible

Druga Księga Królewska noun

2 Kingsnoun
book of the Bible

Druga Księga Machabejska noun

2 Maccabeesnoun
second book of Maccabees

Druga Księga Samuela noun

2 Samuelnoun
book of the Bible

druga młodość

second youth

druga natura noun

second naturenoun

druga osoba noun

second personnoun
the form of a verb used when the subject of a sentence is the audience

druga pochodna noun

second derivativenoun

druga połówka noun

other halfnoun

Druga Rzesza noun

Second Reichnoun
German Empire

druga strona medalu

the other side of the coin

the other side of the equation

druga szansa noun

second chancenoun
opportunity to redeem oneself

druga wojna światowa

Second World War

World War Two

druga wojna światowa noun

World War IInoun
war from 1939 to 1945

dwudziesta druga

10 PM