słownik Polsko-Angielski »

-y w języku angielskim










-thused to form the ordinal numeral




-uriarelating to urine


on earthexpletive giving emphasis after interrogative word








ani X, ani Y determiner

not either (used with nor): neither X nor Y

antena Yagi noun

Yagi-Uda antennanoun
type of directional antenna

antena Yagi-Uda noun

Yagi-Uda antennanoun
type of directional antenna

bahama yellow

bahama yellow

chromosom Y noun

Y chromosomenoun
mammalian sex chromosome

gap year noun

gap yearnoun
yearlong break from study

język yupik środkowy noun

a language of the Eskimo-Aleut family

moduł Younga noun

Young's modulusnoun
coefficient of elasticity of a solid

Noc Yalda

Yalda Night

Noc Yalda noun


okręg Yogyakarta noun

Special Region of Yogyakartanoun
autonomous region of Indonesia

y noun

axis on a graph that is usually drawn from bottom to top


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