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pays-bas w języku angielskim

Pays-Bas nom propre

Netherlands◼◼◼(country in northwestern Europe, see also: Holland)
proper noun
[UK: ˈne.ðə.ləndz] [US: ˈne.ðər.ləndz]

Pays-Bas Autrichiens nom propre

Austrian Netherlands◼◼◼proper noun

Pays-Bas espagnols nom propre
{Pl} {m}

Spanish Netherlands◼◼◼(country)
proper noun

Pays basque nom propre

Basque Country◼◼◼(geographical region in Spain and France)
proper noun
[UK: bæsk ˈkʌntr.i] [US: ˈbæsk ˈkʌntr.i]

Pays basque nom propre

Basque Country◼◼◼(autonomous community within Spain)
proper noun
[UK: bæsk ˈkʌntr.i] [US: ˈbæsk ˈkʌntr.i]

Royaume des Pays-Bas nom propre

Kingdom of the Netherlands◼◼◼(monarchy consisting of the Netherlands and the Caribbean independent constituent countries)
proper noun