słownik Francusko-Angielski »

notable w języku angielskim

notable nom

notable◼◼◼(person or thing of distinction)
[UK: ˈnəʊ.təb.l̩] [US: ˈnoʊ.təb.l̩]
Our century has seen a notable increase of knowledge. = Notre siècle a vu un accroissement notable de la somme des connaissances.

notable adjectif

notable◼◼◼(worthy of notice; remarkable)
[UK: ˈnəʊ.təb.l̩] [US: ˈnoʊ.təb.l̩]
Our century has seen a notable increase of knowledge. = Notre siècle a vu un accroissement notable de la somme des connaissances.

Historia wyszukiwania