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monarchie w języku angielskim

monarchie nom {f}

monarchy [monarchies]◼◼◼(form of government with a hereditary head of state)
[UK: ˈmɒ.nək.i] [US: ˈmɑːnark.i]
The Saudi monarchy brooks little dissent. = La monarchie saoudienne ne tolère guère les dissensions.

monarchie absolue nom {f}

absolute monarchy◼◼◼(rule)
[UK: ˈæb.sə.luːt ˈmɒ.nək.i] [US: ˈæb.sə.ˌluːt ˈmɑːnark.i]

monarchie constitutionnelle nom {f}

constitutional monarchy◼◼◼(monarchy limited by laws and a constitution)
[UK: ˌkɒn.stɪ.ˈtjuːʃ.n̩əl ˈmɒ.nək.i] [US: ˌkɑːn.stə.ˈtuːʃ.n̩əl ˈmɑːnark.i]

monarchie de Juillet nom {f}

July Monarchy◼◼◼(period of liberal constitutional monarchy in France)
proper noun

monarchie éclairée nom {f}

enlightened absolutismnoun

Historia wyszukiwania