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mire w języku angielskim

mire nom {f}

sight [sights]◼◼◼(device used in aiming a firearm)
[UK: saɪt] [US: ˈsaɪt]

mirepoix nom

mirepoix◼◼◼(combination of vegetables and herbs)

Mirepoix nom propre

Mirepoix◼◼◼(a city in Ariège, France)
proper noun

admirer verbe

admire [admired, admiring, admires]◼◼◼(regard with wonder and delight)
[UK: əd.ˈmaɪə(r)] [US: æd.ˈmaɪr]
I admire you. = Je t'admire.

Azad Jammu et Cachemire nom propre

Azad Jammu and Kashmir(autonomous region under Pakistani administration)
proper noun

Cachemire nom propre

proper noun
[UK: kæʃ.ˈmɪə(r)] [US: ˈkæ.ʃmɪr]

cachemire nom

cashmere◼◼◼(fine, downy wool from beneath the outer hair of the Cashmere goat)
[UK: kæʃ.ˈmɪə(r)] [US: ˈkæʒ.mɪr]
I bought a cashmere sweater for myself. = Je me suis acheté un pull en cachemire.

cachemire nom {m}

cashmere◼◼◼(soft fabric made of wool)
[UK: kæʃ.ˈmɪə(r)] [US: ˈkæʒ.mɪr]
I bought a cashmere sweater for myself. = Je me suis acheté un pull en cachemire.

Jammu-et-Cachemire nom propre

Jammu and Kashmir◼◼◼(former princely state)
proper noun
[UK: dʒə.ˈmuː ənd kæʃ.ˈmɪə(r)] [US: dʒə.ˈmuː ænd ˈkæ.ʃmɪr]

Jammu and Kashmir◼◼◼(portion of the territory which is governed by India)
proper noun
[UK: dʒə.ˈmuː ənd kæʃ.ˈmɪə(r)] [US: dʒə.ˈmuː ænd ˈkæ.ʃmɪr]

ligne de mire nom {f}

line of sight◼◼◼(A straight line along which an observer has a clear view)
[UK: laɪn əv saɪt] [US: ˈlaɪn əv ˈsaɪt]

motif cachemire nom {m}

[UK: ˈpeɪz.li] [US: ˈpeɪz.li]

point de mire nom

cynosure◼◼◼(something that is the center of attention; an object that serves as a focal point of attraction and admiration)
[UK: ˈsɪ.nəˌz.jʊə(r)] [US: ˈsɪ.nəˌz.jʊər]

poisson cachemire nom {m}

mandarin fish(colorful saltwater fish)

vallée du Cachemire nom {f}

Kashmir Valley◼◼◼(valley)
proper noun

Historia wyszukiwania