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crèche w języku angielskim

crèche nom {f}

nursery [nurseries]◼◼◼(place where nursing or the raising of children is carried out)
[UK: ˈnɜː.sə.ri] [US: ˈnɝː.sə.ri]
John works in a nursery. = John travaille dans une crèche.

nursery [nurseries]◼◼◼(place where the pre-school children of working parents are supervised during the day, see also: crèche)
[UK: ˈnɜː.sə.ri] [US: ˈnɝː.sə.ri]
John works in a nursery. = John travaille dans une crèche.

crèche nom

nativity scene◼◼◻noun

Crèche de Noël nom

nativity scene◼◼◼noun

[colloquial] ravi de la crèche nom

open book(person naively honest or open)