słownik Francusko-Angielski »

arles w języku angielskim

Arles nom propre

Arles◼◼◼(city in France)
proper noun
[UK: ɑːl] [US: ɑːl]
In Arles I saw a bullfight. = À Arles j'ai vu une course de taureaux.

[informal] combien de langues parles-tu ? phrase

how many languages do you speak(how many languages do you speak?)

[informal] parles-tu anglais ? phrase

do you speak English(do you speak English? (English specifically))

[informal] quelles langues parles-tu ? phrase

what languages do you speak(what languages do you speak?)

Charles nom propre

Charles◼◼◼(given name)
proper noun
[UK: tʃɑːlz] [US: ˈtʃɑːrlz]
Charles has diarrhea. = Charles a la chiasse.

charleston nom {f}

hi-hat◼◼◼(drum kit part)
[UK: haɪ hæt] [US: ˈhaɪ ˈhæt]

loi de Charles nom {f}

Charles's law◼◼◼(physical law stating the density of an ideal gas is inversely proportional to its temperature at constant pressure)
proper noun

maintenant que tu en parles adverbe

come to think of it(now that I think about it)

parles-tu français ? [informal] parlez-vous français ? [formal or plural] phrase

do you speak English(do you speak...? (fill with the name of the current foreign language))

Saint Charles nom propre

Saint Charles◼◼◼proper noun

tu parles interjection

bullshit◼◼◼(expression of disbelief)
[UK: ˈbʊl.ʃɪt] [US: ˈbʊl.ˌʃɪt]

tu parles anglais ? phrase

do you speak English◼◼◼(do you speak English? (English specifically))

Historia wyszukiwania