słownik Angielsko-Polski »

tern w języku polskim

Western Europe noun
Western Europe

Europa Zachodnianoun

Western European adjective
Western European


western gorilla noun

goryl zachodninoun

Western Isles


western jackdaw

kawka zwyczajna

western long-beaked echidna

prakolczatka nowogwinejska

western marsh harrier noun
Circus aeruginosus

błotniak stawowynoun

western olivaceous warbler noun
Iduna opaca

zaganiacz bladynoun

western Orphean warbler noun
Sylvia hortensis

lutniczka zachodnianoun

western pygmy marmoset

pigmejka karłowata

Western Roman Empire noun

Cesarstwo Zachodniorzymskienoun

Western Sahara noun
a territory in northern Africa

Sahara Zachodnianoun

Western Samoa noun
the former name of Samoa

Samoa Zachodnienoun

western sandpiper noun
Calidris mauri

biegus alaskanskinoun

western slaty antshrike noun

chronka nizinnanoun

Western Slavic


western subalpine warbler noun
Sylvia cantillans

pokrzewka wąsatanoun

Western Wall noun
ancient wall in Jerusalem, remnant of the Jewish Second Temple

Mur Zachodninoun

Ściana Płaczunoun

western yellow wagtail noun
Motacilla flava

pliszka wolarkanoun

pliszka żółtanoun

westernization noun
assimilation of the western culture



whiskered tern noun
Chlidonias hybrida

rybitwa białowąsanoun

white-winged tern noun
Chlidonias leucopterus

rybitwa białoskrzydłanoun


Historia wyszukiwania