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summer w języku polskim

summer noun
hottest season


summer camp noun
institution devoted to housing and entertaining children

kolonia letnianoun

obóz harcerskinoun

summer job noun

praca wakacyjnanoun

summer savory noun
Satureja hortensis

cząber ogrodowynoun

summer solstice noun
the moment when the hemisphere is most inclined toward the sun

przesilenie letnienoun

summerhouse noun
house used as vacation home in summer

dom letniskowynoun

summerily adverb
in a summery way


summerlike adjective
resembling or characteristic of summer.




summertime noun
the period or season of summer

czas letninoun

summery adjective
relating to the summer


Indian summer noun
late autumn of life; late flowering of activity before old age

pogodna jesień życianoun

Indian summer noun
stretch of warm days in autumn

babie latonoun

złota jesieńnoun

Martinmas summer

babie lato

midsummer noun
The middle of summer


one swallow does not a summer make one instance of an event does not necessarily indicate a trend

jedna jaskółka wiosny nie czyni

one swallow doesn't make a summer

jedna jaskółka nie czyni wiosny

St. Martin's summer

babie lato

this summer

tego lata