słownik Angielsko-Polski »

smoke w języku polskim

chain smoker noun
one who habitually smokes a lot


environmental tobacco smoke

bierne palenie

go for a smoke

iść na dymka

go up in smoke verb
be ruined

pójść z dymemverb

go up in smoke verb
catch fire

iść z dymemverb

pójść iść z dymemverb

holy smoke interjection
expression of astonishment

no noǃinterjection

no smoke without fire gossip and accusations are often substantiated by fact

nie ma dymu bez ognia

non-smoker noun
somebody who does not smoke tobacco


passive smoker noun
non-smoker that suffers the consequences of tobacco due to inhalation by nearby smokers

bierny palacznoun

secondhand smoke

bierne palenie

secondhand smoker

bierny palacz

where there's smoke, there's fire if there is a hint of something occurring it could indeed be true, but rumors should be handled with skepticism

nie ma dymu bez ognia