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one's w języku polskim

one's determiner
belonging to one


one's bark is worse than one's bite one acts in a threatening way but is relatively harmless

pies który dużo szczeka - nie gryzie

one's blood runs cold One experiences a visceral feeling of fear, horror, dread, or strong forboding

aż zmroziło

one's days are numbered some period of time is coming to an end

czyjeś dni są policzone

one's elevator doesn't go all the way to the top indicating mental deficiency

nie mieć wszystkich w domu

one's lips are sealed I won't tell anyone

trzymać buzię na kłódkę

a weight was lifted from one's heart

kamień spadł z serca

a weight was lifted from one's mind

kamień spadł z serca

ace up one's sleeve noun
a surprise of which others are not aware

as w rękawienoun

add one's two cents

wtrącać swoje trzy grosze

add one's twopenn'orth

wtrącać swoje trzy grosze

ahead of one's time in advance of commonly accepted ideas

wyprzedzać swoje czasy

albatross around one's neck noun
thing that hinders

kamień u szyinoun

another nail in someone's coffin one in a series of factors which lead, or purport to lead, to downfall

gwóźdź do trumny

ants in one's pants noun
agitated and fidgety state

robaki w tyłkunoun

anyone's guess noun


apple of one's eye

oczko w głowie

apple of someone's eye noun
favourite, a particular preference, or a loved one

oczko w głowienoun

as fast as one's legs could carry one adverb

ile sił w nogachadverb

at one's fingertips readily available

w małym palcu

at one's own risk taking personal responsibility for any harm that arises from a dangerous activity

na własne ryzyko

na własną rękę

at the end of one's tether at the limit of one’s patience

u kresu wytrzymałości

at the top of one's voice

na całe gardło

na cały głos

back of one's mind noun

w tyle głowynoun

bang one's head against a brick wall verb
to waste effort on a futile project

walić głową w murverb

walić głową w ścianęverb

bare one's teeth (figuratively) to show aggression


be in one's element

być w swoim żywiole

be unable to believe one's eye

nie wierzyć własnym oczom

beat one's breast verb

bić się w piersiverb

beat one's head against a stone wall

walić głową o mur

beat one's meat verb

walić koniaverb

beat one's swords into ploughshares

przekuwać miecze na lemiesze

bee in one's bonnet noun
something of particular interest or concern


believe one's ears verb
to believe that something which one hears is truly the case

wierzyć własnym uszomverb

believe one's eyes verb
to believe that something which one directly sees is truly the case

wierzyć własnym oczomverb

bend someone's ear verb
talk too long


bet one's boots verb

stawiać dolary przeciwko orzechomverb