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kn w języku polskim



all the gold in Fort Knox

za Chiny ludowe

also known as adverb
used to introduce an alternative name

także znany jakoadverb

altitude sickness noun
oxygen deficiency at high altitudes

choroba wysokościowanoun

antiknock noun
substance to reduce the occurrence of engine knock


antiknock agent

środek przeciwstukowy

as far as one knows adverb
to the best of my knowledge

o ile mi wiadomoadverb

z tego co wiemadverb

as you know adverb
as you know

jak pan wieadverb

jak pani wieadverb

jak państwo wiedząadverb

jak wiadomoadverb

jak wiecieadverb

jak wieszadverb

banknote noun
paper or polymer currency


Bantu knot noun

węzeł Bantunoun

barrel knot noun

węzeł baryłkowynoun

bend the knee verb
submit to another's authority

iść na paskuverb

better the devil you know than the devil you don't know something bad and familiar is better than something bad and unknown

już lepsze znane zło, niż dobro, które masz poznać

blackness noun
state or quality of being black


bleakness noun
characteristic of being bleak




boning knife noun
boning knife

nóż do filetowanianoun

brass knuckles noun
weapon which reinforces the fist


bread knife noun
knife designed to cut bread

nóż do chlebanoun

breakneck adjective
dangerously fast; hell-for-leather


bring a knife to a gunfight verb
to be inadequately equipped

przychodzić nieprzygotowanyverb

przyjść nieprzygotowanyverb

bring to one's knees verb

rzucać na kolanaverb

rzucić na kolanaverb

brown knapweed

chaber łąkowy

butter knife noun
dull-edged knife for spreading butter

nóż do masłanoun

butterfly knife noun
folding pocket knife

nóż motylkowynoun



carsickness noun
motion sickness due to riding in a vehicle

choroba lokomocyjnanoun

carving knife noun
a large knife designed for cutting cooked turkey and similar dishes

nóż do krojenia mięsanoun

cheese knife noun
knife for cutting cheese

nóż do seranoun

Cimmerian darkness

egipskie ciemności

clasp-knife noun
A knife that can be folded into a slot in the handle.


close-knit adjective
closely linked or connected, as by a common identity, culture, or bond



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