słownik Angielsko-Polski »

gulf w języku polskim

gulf noun


gulf noun
large difference between groups



Gulf of Actium

Zatoka Ambrakijska

Gulf of Aden noun
a gulf

Zatoka Adeńskanoun

Gulf of Alaska noun
arm of the Pacific Ocean

Zatoka Alaskanoun

Gulf of Anadyr

Zatoka Anadyrska

Gulf of Aqaba

Zatoka Akaba

Gulf of Arcadia

Zatoka Kiparysyjska

Gulf of Argolis

Zatoka Argolidzka

Gulf of Arta

Zatoka Ambrakijska

Gulf of Bahrain

Zatoka Bahrajnu

Gulf of Bothnia noun
arm of the Baltic

Zatoka Botnickanoun

Gulf of Burgas

Zatoka Burgaska

Gulf of California noun
body of water

Zatoka Kalifornijskanoun

Gulf of Cambay

Zatoka Kambajska

Gulf of Catania

Zatoka Katańska

Gulf of Corinth

Zatoka Koryncka

Gulf of Cádiz

Zatoka Kadyksu

Gulf of Finland noun
arm of the Baltic Sea

Zatoka Fińskanoun

Gulf of Gabes

Zatoka Kabiska

Gulf of Gaeta

Zatoka Gaecka

Gulf of Genoa

Zatoka Genueńska

Gulf of Guinea noun
part of the Atlantic Ocean

Zatoka Gwinejskanoun

Gulf of Heraklion

Zatoka Heraklejska

Gulf of Kalamita

Zatoka Kalamicka

Gulf of Khambhat

Zatoka Kambajska

Gulf of Kronstadt

Zatoka Newska

Gulf of Kutch


Gulf of Kyparissia

Zatoka Kiparysyjska

Gulf of Lion

Zatoka Lwia

Gulf of Livonia

Zatoka Ryska

Gulf of Mexico noun
gulf between USA and Mexico

Zatoka Meksykańskanoun

Gulf of Nafplio

Zatoka Argolidzka

Gulf of Naples noun
Mediterranean gulf along the coast of Campania

Zatoka Neapolitańskanoun

Gulf of Narva

Zatoka Narewska

Gulf of Ob

Zatoka Obska

Gulf of Odessa

Zatoka Odeska

Gulf of Patras

Zatoka Patraska

Gulf of Riga noun
inland body of water that is part of the Baltic Sea in eastern Europe and is near Latvia and Estonia

Zatoka Ryskanoun