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typing w języku francuskim

typing [typings] (assigning by type)
[UK: ˈtaɪp.ɪŋ]
[US: ˈtaɪp.ɪŋ]

typage◼◼◼nom {m}

typing [typings] (the act of typing)
[UK: ˈtaɪp.ɪŋ]
[US: ˈtaɪp.ɪŋ]

dactylographie◼◼◼nom {f}She practiced typing every day. = Elle pratiquait quotidiennement la dactylographie.

type [typed, typing, types] (to enter characters into a computer using keyboard)
[UK: taɪp]
[US: ˈtaɪp]

taper◼◼◻verbeZiri was typing. = Ziri tapait.

dactylographier◼◼◻verbeI'm learning how to type. = J'appends la dactylographie.

type [typed, typing, types] (to use a typewriter)
[UK: taɪp]
[US: ˈtaɪp]

taper◼◼◻verbeZiri was typing. = Ziri tapait.

dactylographier◼◼◻verbeI'm learning how to type. = J'appends la dactylographie.

taper à la machine◼◻◻verbe

duck typing noun

duck typing◼◼◼nom {m}

manifest typing noun

typage explicitenom {m}

stereotype [stereotyped, stereotyping, stereotypes] (make a stereotype, or characterize someone by a stereotype)
[UK: ˈste.rɪə.taɪp]
[US: ˈste.riə.ˌtaɪp]

stéréotyper◼◼◼verbeThere is no such thing as a good stereotype. = Il n'existe pas de bon stéréotype.

clicher◼◼◻verbeIt's an old stereotype. = C'est un vieux cliché.