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Wolę szukać w pierwotnym kierunku (słownik Angielsko-Francuski): słownik Angielsko-Francuski
far from the heart) phrase

out of sight, out of mind(something not nearby is forgotten)

["from this day forward"] à partir d'aujourd'hui adverbe

forward(into the future)
[UK: ˈfɔː.wəd] [US: ˈfɔːr.wərd]

[from one person] apportez-moi la carte phrase

could I see the menu, please(said to ask for a menu)

[from the Origin of Species translation] Messager) nom
{m} (meSSager {m}

English Carriernoun

[from the Origin of Species translation] Messager anglais) nom
{m} (meSSager anglaiS {m}

English Carriernoun

[from a group of people] apportez-nous la carte phrase

could I see the menu, please(said to ask for a menu)

[from the Origin of Species translation] Pigeon Messager anglais) nom
{m} (Pligeon meSSager anglaiS {m}

English Carriernoun

[about doing something] il n'y a pas besoin or verbe

never mind(do not be concerned (about someone or something, or about doing something))
[UK: ˈne.və(r) maɪnd] [US: ˈne.vər ˈmaɪnd]

[where do you come from?] d'où venez-vous ? phrase

where are you from(in which country or region were you born or raised)