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peddle w języku francuskim

peddle [peddled, peddling, peddles] (to sell things, especially door to door)
[UK: ˈped.l̩]
[US: ˈped.l̩]

colporter◼◼◼verbeThe candidate ended up peddling conspiracy theories. = Le candidat a fini par colporter des thèses conspirationnistes.

peddle [peddled, peddling, peddles] (to spread or cause to spread)
[UK: ˈped.l̩]
[US: ˈped.l̩]

colporter◼◼◼verbeThe candidate ended up peddling conspiracy theories. = Le candidat a fini par colporter des thèses conspirationnistes.

peddler [peddlers] (itinerant seller of small goods)
[UK: ˈped.lə(r)]
[US: ˈped.lər]

colporteur◼◼◼nom {m}The peddler carried a big bundle on his back. = Le colporteur portait un gros paquet sur son dos.

marchand ambulant◼◼◻nom {m}