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greeting w języku francuskim

greeting [greetings] (acknowledgement of a persons presence or arrival)
[UK: ˈɡriːt.ɪŋ]
[US: ˈɡriːt.ɪŋ]

salutation◼◼◼nom {f}Many greetings. = Toutes mes salutations.

salut◼◼◼nom {m}Greetings, old friend! = Salut, vieil ami !

greet [greeted, greeting, greets] (to address with salutations or expressions of kind wishes)
[UK: ɡriːt]
[US: ˈɡriːt]

saluer◼◼◼verbeI greet you. = Je te salue.

recevoir◼◼◻verbeThe alacrity with which she was greeted felt disconcerting, given the chilly reception she had experienced before. = L'empressement avec lequel elle a été accueillie était déconcertant, compte tenu de l'accueil glacial qu'elle avait reçu auparavant.

greeting card (card sent as a greeting)
[UK: ˈɡriːt.ɪŋ kɑːd]
[US: ˈɡriːt.ɪŋ ˈkɑːrd]

carte de vœux◼◼◼nom {f}

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