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flora w języku francuskim

flora [floras] (a book describing the plants of a country etc.)
[UK: ˈflɔː.rə]
[US: ˈflɔː.rə]

flore◼◼◼nom {f}The botanist studied the flora of the remote island. = Le botaniste étudia la flore de l'île lointaine.

Flora (female given name)
proper noun
[UK: ˈflɔː.rə]
[US: ˈflɔː.rə]

Flore◼◼◼nom propreThe botanist studied the flora of the remote island. = Le botaniste étudia la flore de l'île lointaine.

Flora◼◼◻nom propre

flora [floras] (plants considered as a group)
[UK: ˈflɔː.rə]
[US: ˈflɔː.rə]

flore◼◼◼nom {f}The botanist studied the flora of the remote island. = Le botaniste étudia la flore de l'île lointaine.

Flora (the goddess of flowers)
proper noun
[UK: ˈflɔː.rə]
[US: ˈflɔː.rə]

Flore◼◼◼nom propreThe botanist studied the flora of the remote island. = Le botaniste étudia la flore de l'île lointaine.

flora [floras] (the microorganisms that inhabit some part of the body)
[UK: ˈflɔː.rə]
[US: ˈflɔː.rə]

flore intestinale◼◼◻nom {f}

floral (of or pertaining to flowers)
[UK: ˈflɔː.rəl]
[US: ˈflɔː.rəl]

floral◼◼◼adjectifThis floral arrangement is lovely. = Cette composition florale est ravissante.

apicifloral adjective


defloration (the act of deflowering)
[UK: ˌdiː.flɔː.ˈreɪ.ʃən]
[US: ˌde.flə.ˈreɪ.ʃən]

défloration◼◼◼nom {f}

microflora [microfloras] (microscopic plant life)
[UK: mˈaɪkrəʊflˌɔːrə]
[US: mˈaɪkroʊflˌoːrə]

microflore◼◼◼nom {f}