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brew w języku francuskim

brew [brewed, brewing, brews] (to make beer)
[UK: bruː]
[US: ˈbruː]

brasser◼◼◼verbeHe brewed beer. = Il brassait de la bière.

brew [brewed, brewing, brews] verb
[UK: bruː]
[US: ˈbruː]

brasser◼◼◼verbeHe brewed beer. = Il brassait de la bière.

brew [brewed, brewing, brews] (make tea or coffee)
[UK: bruː]
[US: ˈbruː]

infuser◼◼◼verbeWait for the tea to brew. = Attends que le thé infuse.

brew [brews] (something brewed)
[UK: bruː]
[US: ˈbruː]

breuvage◼◼◻nom {m}

brewer [brewers] (someone who brews)
[UK: ˈbruːə(r)]
[US: ˈbruːər]

brasseur◼◼◼nom {m}John is a brewer. = John est brasseur.

brasseusenom {f}

brewery [breweries] (building where beer is produced)
[UK: ˈbrʊə.ri]
[US: ˈbruːə.ri]

brasserie◼◼◼nom {f}There are a lot of breweries in Bavaria. = Il y a plusieurs brasseries en Bavière.

brewing (production of alcoholic beverages)
[UK: ˈbruːɪŋ]
[US: ˈbruːɪŋ]

brassage◼◼◼nom {m}

brewmaster (person in charge of beer production at a brewery)

maître brasseur◼◼◼nom

cold brew coffee noun

café infusé à froid◼◼◼nom

Hebrew [Hebrews] (language, see also: Biblical Hebrew)
[UK: ˈhiː.bruː]
[US: ˈhiː.bruː]

hébreu◼◼◼nom {m}He speaks Hebrew. = Il parle hébreu.

Hebrew [Hebrews] (person)
[UK: ˈhiː.bruː]
[US: ˈhiː.bruː]

Hébreu◼◼◼nom {m}He speaks Hebrew. = Il parle hébreu.

Hebrew (pertaining to the language)
[UK: ˈhiː.bruː]
[US: ˈhiː.bruː]

hébreu◼◼◼adjectifHe speaks Hebrew. = Il parle hébreu.

hébraïque◼◼◼adjectifYiddish is written with the Hebrew alphabet. = Le yiddish s'écrit au moyen de l'alphabet hébraïque.

Hebrew (pertaining to the people)
[UK: ˈhiː.bruː]
[US: ˈhiː.bruː]

hébreu◼◼◼adjectifHe speaks Hebrew. = Il parle hébreu.

hébraïque◼◼◼adjectifYiddish is written with the Hebrew alphabet. = Le yiddish s'écrit au moyen de l'alphabet hébraïque.

Hebrew Bible (the sacred texts of Judaism)
proper noun

Bible hébraïque◼◼◼nom propre

Hebrews (book of the Bible)
proper noun
[UK: ˈhiː.bruːz]
[US: ˈhiː.bruːz]

Hébreux◼◼◼nom propre
The Hebrews are Israelis, since they come from Israel. = Les hébreux sont Israéliens, car ils viennent d'Israël.