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autonomous w języku francuskim

autonomous (self-governing, see also: independent)
[UK: ɔː.ˈtɒ.nə.məs]
[US: ɒ.ˈtɑː.nə.məs]

autonome◼◼◼adjectifThis is an autonomous machine. = C'est une machine autonome.

autonomous sensory meridian response noun

réponse autonome sensorielle culminantenom {f}

autonomous vehicle (vehicle)

véhicule autonome◼◼◼nom {m}

voiture autonome◼◻◻nom {f}

Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (a federal subject of Russia (an autonomous okrug) located partly on the Chukotka Peninsula)
proper noun

Okrug autonome de la Tchoukotkanom propre

Jewish Autonomous Oblast (Jewish autonomous oblast in Russia)
proper noun
[UK: ˈdʒuːɪʃ ɔː.ˈtɒ.nə.məs ˈɑː.blæst]
[US: ˈdʒuː.ˌɪʃ ɒ.ˈtɑː.nə.məs ˈɑː.blæst]

Oblast autonome juif◼◼◼nom propre

Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic (landlocked exclave of the Republic of Azerbaijan)
proper noun

République autonome de Nakhitchevan◼◼◼nom {f}

Nenets Autonomous Okrug (federal subject)
proper noun

district autonome de Nénétsie◼◼◼nom propre