Rysk-Engelsk ordbok »

ян betyder på engelska

ян noun
{m} {n}

yang [yangs](essential male principle)
[UK: jaŋ] [US: ˈjæŋ]

Ян proper noun

Ian(male given name)
proper noun
[UK: ˈɪən] [US: ˈiːən]

Ян-Майен proper noun

Jan Mayen(Norwegian territory)
proper noun

Яна proper noun

Jane(feminine form of John)
proper noun
[UK: dʒeɪn] [US: ˈdʒeɪn]

январь proper noun

January(first month of the Gregorian calendar)
proper noun
[UK: ˈdʒæ.njʊ.ri] [US: ˈdʒæ.njuː.ˌe.ri]

Янгон proper noun

Yangon(largest city in Myanmar)
proper noun

Яндекс /Jándɛks/ proper noun

Yandex(Yandex (in other scripts, the trademark may also be written in Roman letters))
proper noun

яндэрэ noun

yandere(character who fits the archetype of being genuinely kind, loving, or gentle, but suddenly switching to being aggressive or deranged)

Янина proper noun

Ioannina(capital of Epirus)
proper noun

янки noun
{m} {f}

Yankee [Yankees](native or inhabitant of the USA)
[UK: ˈjæŋk.i] [US: ˈjæŋk.i]

янки noun

Yank [Yanks](native of the USA)
[UK: jæŋk] [US: ˈjæŋk]

янтарная кислота noun

succinic acid [succinic acids](colourless crystalline dicarboxylic acid, (CH2COOH)2)
[UK: səksˈɪnɪk ˈasɪd] [US: səksˈɪnɪk ˈæsɪd]

янтарный noun

[UK: ˈæm.bə(r)] [US: ˈæm.bər]

янтарь noun

amber(fossil resin)
[UK: ˈæm.bə(r)] [US: ˈæm.bər]

Янукович proper noun
{m} {f}

Yanukovych(Ukrainian surname)
proper noun

Янус proper noun

Janus(Roman god of doorways, gates and transitions)
proper noun
[UK: ˈdʒeɪ.nəs] [US: ˈdʒeɪ.nəs]

Янцзы proper noun

Yangtze(3rd longest river in the world)
proper noun
[UK: ˈjæŋkt.ˈsiː] [US: ˈjæŋkt.ˈsiː]

Янчжоу proper noun

Yangzhou(a prefecture-level city in eastern China)
proper noun

янычар noun

janissary [janissaries](former Turkish soldier)
[UK: ˈdʒæ.nɪ.sə.rɪ] [US: ˈdʒæ.nɪ.sə.rɪ]

Яньтай proper noun

Yantai(a city of China)
proper noun

я наелась phrase

I'm fullphrase
[UK: aɪm fʊl] [US: ˈaɪm ˈfʊl]

я наелся phrase

I'm fullphrase
[UK: aɪm fʊl] [US: ˈaɪm ˈfʊl]

я натурал phrase

I'm straightphrase
[UK: aɪm streɪt] [US: ˈaɪm ˈstreɪt]

я натуралка phrase

I'm straightphrase
[UK: aɪm streɪt] [US: ˈaɪm ˈstreɪt]

я не веду phrase

I don't drive(I don't drive (a car, a vehicle))

я не верующая phrase

I'm not religiousphrase
[UK: aɪm nɒt rɪ.ˈlɪ.dʒəs] [US: ˈaɪm ˈnɑːt rə.ˈlɪ.dʒəs]

я не верующий phrase

I'm not religiousphrase
[UK: aɪm nɒt rɪ.ˈlɪ.dʒəs] [US: ˈaɪm ˈnɑːt rə.ˈlɪ.dʒəs]

я не вожу phrase

I don't drive(I don't drive (a car, a vehicle))

я не говорю по-английски phrase

I don't speak English(I don't speak English (specifically English))
[UK: ˈaɪ dəʊnt spiːk ˈɪŋ.ɡlɪʃ] [US: ˈaɪ ˈdoʊnt ˈspiːk ˈɪŋ.ˌɡlɪʃ]

я не говорю по-русски phrase

I don't speak English(I don't speak (fill with the name of the current foreign language))
[UK: ˈaɪ dəʊnt spiːk ˈɪŋ.ɡlɪʃ] [US: ˈaɪ ˈdoʊnt ˈspiːk ˈɪŋ.ˌɡlɪʃ]

я не ем мясо phrase

I don't eat meatphrase

я не ем рыбу phrase

I don't eat fishphrase

я не ем свинину phrase

I don't eat porkphrase

я не женат phrase

I'm singlephrase

я не заинтересован phrase

I'm not interestedphrase

я не замужем phrase

I'm singlephrase

я не знаю phrase

I don't know(I don’t know)
[UK: ˈaɪ dəʊnt nəʊ] [US: ˈaɪ ˈdoʊnt ˈnoʊ]

я не понимаю phrase

I don't understandphrase
[UK: ˈaɪ dəʊnt ˌʌn.də.ˈstænd] [US: ˈaɪ ˈdoʊnt ˌʌn.dər.ˈstænd]

я не разговариваю по-английски phrase

I don't speak English(I don't speak English (specifically English))
[UK: ˈaɪ dəʊnt spiːk ˈɪŋ.ɡlɪʃ] [US: ˈaɪ ˈdoʊnt ˈspiːk ˈɪŋ.ˌɡlɪʃ]

я не религиозный человек phrase
{m} {f}

I'm not religiousphrase
[UK: aɪm nɒt rɪ.ˈlɪ.dʒəs] [US: ˈaɪm ˈnɑːt rə.ˈlɪ.dʒəs]