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змеиный betyder på engelska

змеиный adjective

serpentine(of, pertaining to, or characteristic of snakes)
[UK: ˈsɜː.pən.taɪn] [US: ˈsɝː.pən.ˌtaɪn]

snaky [snakier, snakiest](resembling or relating to snakes)
[UK: ˈsneɪk.i] [US: ˈsneɪk.i]

Змеиный proper noun

Snake Island(Black Sea island of Ukraine bordering Romania)
proper noun

змеиный огурец noun

snake gourd(plant or produce of Trichosanthes cucumerina)

Змеиный остров proper noun

Snake Island(Black Sea island of Ukraine bordering Romania)
proper noun

остров Змеиный proper noun

Snake Island(Black Sea island of Ukraine bordering Romania)
proper noun