Russisk-Engelsk ordbok »

кале betyr engelsk

Новая Каледония proper noun

New Caledonia(overseas territory of France)
proper noun
[UK: njuː ˌkæ.lə.ˈdəʊ.niə] [US: nuː ˌkæ.ləˈdo.ʊ.niə]

Нор — Па-де-Кале /Nor — Pa-dɛ-Kalé/ proper noun

Nord-Pas-de-Calais(region of France)
proper noun
[UK: ˈnɔːd ˌfəʊ ˈpɑː də kə.ˈleɪ] [US: ˈnɔːrd ˌfoʊ ˈpɑː ˈdiː kə.ˈleɪ]

Па-де-Кале /Pa-dɛ-Kalé/ proper noun

Strait of Dover(strait in the English Channel)
proper noun

покалечить verb

disable [disabled, disabling, disables](to impair the physical or mental abilities of)
[UK: dɪs.ˈeɪb.l̩] [US: ˌdɪ.ˈseɪb.l̩]

maim [maimed, maiming, maims](to cause permanent loss of a part of the body)
[UK: meɪm] [US: ˈmeɪm]

maul [mauled, mauling, mauls](savage)
[UK: mɔːl] [US: ˈmɒl]

предрождественский календарь noun

Advent calendar(calendar used to count down the days of Advent)

рождественский календарь noun

Advent calendar(calendar used to count down the days of Advent)

солнечный календарь noun

solar calendar(a calendar based on the movement of the Earth around the Sun)

тритикале noun

triticale [triticales]noun

французский революционный календарь proper noun

French Republican Calendar(calendar used for twelve years in revolutionary France)
proper noun

французский республиканский календарь proper noun

French Republican Calendar(calendar used for twelve years in revolutionary France)
proper noun

Юлианский календарь noun

Julian calendar(calendar)
[UK: ˈdʒuː.lɪən ˈkæ.lɪn.də(r)] [US: ˈdʒuː.liən ˈkæ.lən.dər]