Russisk-Engelsk ordbok »

бэ betyr engelsk

Китайский Тайбэй proper noun

Chinese Taipei(a name under which Taiwan participates in international organisations)
proper noun

Кобэ proper noun

Kobe(a city in Honshū, Japan)
proper noun
[UK: ˈkəʊ.bi] [US: ˈkoʊ.bi]

Лалибэла proper noun

Lalibela(town in Ethiopia)
proper noun

роллбэк noun
{m} / ролбэк {m}

rollback [rollbacks]((computing) operation to return the database to the previous commit point)
[UK: ˈrolˌbæk] [US: ˈrolˌbæk]

скамбэйтинг noun

scambaiting(posing as a scam victim to waste the time of the scammer)

Тайбэй proper noun

Taipeiproper noun
[UK: ˌtaɪ.ˈpeɪ] [US: ˈtaɪ.ˌpe]

фидбэк noun

feedback [feedbacks](critical assessment of process or activity)
[UK: ˈfiːd.bæk] [US: ˈfiːd.ˌbæk]

флэшбэк noun

flashback [flashbacks](a dramatic device in which an earlier event is inserted into the normal chronological flow of a narrative)
[UK: ˈflæʃ.bæk] [US: ˈflæʃ.ˌbæk]

хетчбэк /xɛtčbék/ noun

hatchback(a car with a sloping, hinged rear door that opens upwards)
[UK: ˈhætʃ.bæk] [US: ˈhæʧ.ˌbæk]

Хуайбэй proper noun

Huaibei(a prefecture-level city in eastern China)
proper noun

Хубэй proper noun

Hubei(province in central China)
proper noun

Хэбэй proper noun

Hebei(province of China)
proper noun
[UK: hˈebeɪ] [US: hˈebeɪ]

