Russisk-Engelsk ordbok »

армянск betyr engelsk

Армянск proper noun

proper noun

Армянская апостольская церковь proper noun

Armenian Apostolic Churchproper noun

Армянская Советская Социалистическая Республика proper noun

Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic(Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic, see also: Armenian SSR)
proper noun

Армянская ССР proper noun

Armenian SSR(Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic, see also: Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic)
proper noun

армянский adjective

Armenian(of, from, or pertaining to Armenia, Armenians, the language or alphabet)
[UK: ɑː.ˈmiː.niən] [US: arˈmiː.niən]

Армянский вопрос proper noun

Armenian Question(the issues surrounding the status of Armenians)
proper noun

армянский огурец noun

Armenian cucumber(fruit)

армянский язык proper noun

proper noun
[UK: ɑː.ˈmiː.niən] [US: arˈmiː.niən]

Армянское нагорье proper noun

Armenian Highland(plateau)
proper noun
[UK: ɑː.ˈmiː.niən ˈhaɪ.lænd] [US: arˈmiː.niən ˈhaɪ.lənd]

армянское радио proper noun

Radio Yerevan(fictional radio station)
proper noun

армянскость noun

Armenianness(The quality or state of being Armenian)

восточноармянский proper noun

Eastern Armenian(language)
proper noun

всеармянский adjective

Pan-Armenian(relating to, covering or serving most or all Armenians)

древнеармянский proper noun

Old Armenian(language)
proper noun

западноармянский proper noun

Western Armenian(language)
proper noun

протоармянский proper noun

Proto-Armenian(prehistoric ancestor language)
proper noun

среднеармянский proper noun

Middle Armenian(language)
proper noun