Polsk-Engelsk ordbok »

w betyder på engelska

w punkt adjective


w ramach

as part of

by way offor the purpose of, as a means or instance of

w razie

in case ofin the event of

w razie czego

just in casein the event

w razie gdyby

in caseBecause event X might occur

w razie konieczności adverb

if need beadverb
if necessary

w razie potrzeby adverb

if need beadverb
if necessary

w rękawie

up one's sleevehidden, in reserve

w rezultacie

as a resultconsequently

w roztargniony sposób adjective

away with the fairiesadjective
lost in thought

w rozterce

at a lossnot sure; uncertain; lacking further ideas, direction, or ability

w ruchu adverb

up hill and down daleadverb

w rytmie

in timein rhythm

w rzeczy samej adverb

degree: in fact

modal: truly; in fact; actually

w rzeczywistości

as a matter of factactually

in reality

w rzeczywistości adverb

in effectadverb
for all practical purposes

w sam czas

in timesufficiently early (for something)

w sam raz adverb

exactly, directly

w samą porę

in the nick of timeat the last possible moment

in timesufficiently early (for something)

w sąsiedztwie

in the neighbourhood of

w sedno adjective


w sensie adverb

as inadverb
in the sense of

w separacji adjective

estranged; living apart but not divorced

w siódmym niebie

on cloud ninevery happy, blissful

w siódmym niebie noun

cloud ninenoun
state of bliss

w skrócie

for shortAs an abbreviated form

in shortas a summary

w ślad za

followingsubsequent to

in the wake offollowing

w ślimaczym tempie

at a snail's pace

w sobie

in one's own rightas a consequence of one's own skill, qualification or state

w sosie własnym

in brine

w spokoju

at peacefree from anxiety or stress

w sposób używający teorii mnogości adverb

set theoreticallyadverb
in a manner which uses set theory

set theoreticallyadverb
in the sense of set theory

w sprawie

in regard toconcerning

