Polsk-Engelsk ordbok »

nota betyder på engelska

tęsknota noun

melancholic desire

painful longing

slight wish with no effort to obtain

wistful or melancholy longing

tęsknota za dalekim światem noun

itchy feetnoun
desire to travel

wspólnota noun

a group of people who follow the same Christian religious beliefs

form of government

residential or religious collective

Wspólnota Anglikańska noun

Anglican Communionnoun
worldwide network of churches

wspólnota autonomiczna

autonomous community

Wspólnota Bahamów

Commonwealth of The Bahamas

Wspólnota Bahamów noun

Commonwealth of the Bahamasnoun
official name of Bahamas

Wspólnota Dominiki

Commonwealth of Dominica

wspólnota językowa noun

speech communitynoun
group of people sharing a language or way of speaking

wspólnota komunikacyjna noun

speech communitynoun
group of people sharing a language or way of speaking

wspólnota mieszkaniowa noun

building in which each unit is owned by an individual, but the grounds is owned jointly

homeowner associationnoun
private association formed by a real estate developer

wspólnota mowna noun

speech communitynoun
group of people sharing a language or way of speaking

Wspólnota Narodów noun

Commonwealth of Nationsnoun
association of independent states

Wspólnota Niepodległych Państw noun

Commonwealth of Independent Statesnoun
alliance of former Soviet republics

Wspólnota Portoryka

Commonwealth of Puerto Rico