Polsk-Engelsk ordbok »

nie- betyder på engelska

nie do wiary adjective

incredible, overwhelming, amazing

nie do zniesienia adjective

causing sickness or disgust

nie doceniać verb

to perceive as having lower value

nie docenić verb

to not hold in sufficiently high esteem

to underestimate

to underestimate

nie dotyczy adjective

not applicable

nie działać verb

to fail to function

nie dziel skóry na niedźwiedziu

don't count your chickens before they're hatchedone should not depend upon a favorable outcome to one's plans until it is certain to occur

nie dziwota noun

small wondernoun
unsurprising occurrence

nie gadaj interjection

you don't sayinterjection
really? ; no kidding! ; Is that so?

nie gadaj! interjection

shut upinterjection
"I don't believe it!"

nie jadam mięsa

I don't eat meatI don't eat meat



nie jem mięsa

I don't eat meatI don't eat meat

nie jem ryb

I don't eat fishI don't eat fish

nie jem wieprzowiny

I don't eat porkI don't eat pork

nie jem wołowiny

I don't eat beefI don't eat beef

nie jest verb

is not

nie jest już adverb

no longeradverb
not any more

nie jestem religijna

I'm not religiousI'm not religious

nie jestem religijny

I'm not religiousI'm not religious

nie jestem wierząca

I'm not religiousI'm not religious

nie jestem wierzący

I'm not religiousI'm not religious

nie jestem zainteresowana

I'm not interestedI'm not interested

nie jestem zainteresowany

I'm not interestedI'm not interested

nie każ mi zaczynać

don't get someone startedused to attempt to avoid a discussion

nie kieruję

I don't driveI don't drive (a car, a vehicle)

nie kiwnąć palcem w bucie

not to lift a finger

nie lada wyczyn noun

tall ordernoun
big job, difficult challenge

nie lubić verb

not to like something

nie ma

there be no not

nie ma verb

is not

there isverb
third-person singular simple present indicative form of there be

nie ma darmowych obiadów

there's no such thing as a free lunchnothing is free; everything has a price

nie ma dymu bez ognia

no smoke without firegossip and accusations are often substantiated by fact

where there's smoke, there's fireif there is a hint of something occurring it could indeed be true, but rumors should be handled with skepticism

nie ma mowy

not an option

nie ma mowy interjection

no wayinterjection
absolutely not

nie ma mowy adjective

out of the questionadjective
not remotely possible

