Polsk-Engelsk ordbok »

jak betyder på engelska


as as

howthe manner or way in which

ifsupposing that

likesimilar to

likesuch as

yetnevertheless; however

jak noun

ox-like mammal

jak adverb

at the same instant that

in the same way that

Introducing a basis of comparison

to such an extent or degree

as much as possibleadverb
as much as is possible

in what manner

in what state

to what degree

used as a modifier to indicate surprise, delight, or other strong feelings

jak amen w pacierzu

as eggs is eggs

jak babcię kocham

as I live and breatheused to declare the truth of a statement with emphasis

as I live and breatheused to express surprise at an experience one is witnessing

jak Bóg da interjection

God willinginterjection
God willing

jak Bóg pozwoli

Lord willing and the creek don't risephrase

jak cholera

like hellusing all strength, speed, effort that one can summon

jak ci nie wstyd interjection

shame on youinterjection
expression of disapproval

jak ciepłe bułeczki

like hot cakesquickly

jak cię widzą, tak cię piszą

fine feathers make fine birdsfine feathers make fine birds

jak diabli

like hellusing all strength, speed, effort that one can summon

jak dojdę do...?

how do I get tohow do I get to...?

jak dostanę się na dworzec autobusowy?

how do I get to the bus stationhow do I get to the bus station?

jak dostanę się na dworzec kolejowy?

how do I get to the train stationhow do I get to the train station?

jak dostanę się na lotnisko?

how do I get to the airporthow do I get to the airport?

jak dotąd adverb

as yetadverb
up to the present

jak dwie krople wody

like two peas in a podvery similar

jak długo adverb

how longadverb
how long (length of time)

jak gdyby nigdy nic adverb

as if nothing had happenedadverb

jak go zwał, tak go zwał

six of one, half a dozen of the othertwo alternatives are equivalent or indifferent

jak grom z jasnego nieba

out of the blueunexpectedly

jak i

as well asin addition to

jak jeden mąż adverb

as one manadverb

jak kamień w wodę

into thin air

without a traceNot to leave any traces behind, to disappear