Polsk-Engelsk ordbok »

-ka betyder på engelska

syrop na kaszel noun

cough syrupnoun
liquid used to ease a sore throat

szlifierka towa noun

angle grindernoun
power tool

szympans karłowaty noun

pygmy chimpanzeenoun
alternative name for bonobo

telefon na kartę noun

burn phonenoun
mobile phone used for only a short time and then thrown away so that the owner cannot be traced

telewizja kablowa noun

cable televisionnoun
television received through coaxial cables

teoria kabli noun

cable theorynoun

trafiła kosa na kamień

diamond cut diamond

trzcinniczek kaspijski noun

paddyfield warblernoun
Acrocephalus agricola

twardy kark noun

stiff necknoun
discomfort or pain when trying to turn or move the neck

ucieczka kapitału noun

capital flightnoun
rapid flow of money or assets out of a country

w każdej chwili

at the drop of a hatinstantly, without hesitation

w każdej chwili adverb

at any given momentadverb
at any point of time

w każdym calu

to the fingertips

w każdym razie

in any case

in any caseat any rate

w każdym żarcie jest ziarno prawdy

there's a grain of truth in every jokepeople convey truth in jokes

warunkowe zawieszenie kary noun

suspended sentencenoun
a sentence which the offender serves in probation unless he/she commits another crime during the period the sentence is in force

węgiel kamienny noun

black coalnoun
high quality coal

glance coalnoun

Wewnętrzna Kartlia

Shida Kartli

wieczór kawalerski

pre-marriage party

stag party

wieczór kawalerski noun

bachelor partynoun

bridal showernoun

Wielki Kanion

Grand Canyon

wielot z nieskończoną liczbą katów noun


wielot z trzydziestoma dwoma tami noun

32-sided polygon

wiersz kalwaryjski adjective

of a crude or irregular construction

winie depcze po piętach kara

crime doesn't payif you a commit a crime you will most likely be punished for it

właściciel kafenijo noun


wstęgówka karmazynka noun

dark crimson underwingnoun
Catocala sponsa

wyciągać kasztany z ognia verb

pull someone's chestnuts out of the fireverb
do someone's difficult work

wyciągać kasztany z ognia czyimiś rękami

pull chestnuts out of the fire

wyczyn kaskaderski noun

dangerous feat

wykładać kawę na ławę verb

put one's cards on the tableverb
to reveal one's true intentions

wylać dziecko z pielą verb

throw the baby out with the bathwater(idiomatic) to discard something valuable

wylewać dziecko z pielą verb

throw the baby out with the bathwater(idiomatic) to discard something valuable

wyłożyć kawę na ławę verb

put one's cards on the tableverb
to reveal one's true intentions

Wyspy Kanaryjskie noun

Canary Islandsnoun
an archipelago off the coast of north-western Africa

Wyspy Karkanna

Kerkennah Islands

