Polsčina-Angličtina slovník »

sok znamená v Angličtina

choroba wysokościowa

acute mountain sickness


choroba wysokościowa noun

altitude sicknessnoun
oxygen deficiency at high altitudes

czwarty w wysokości maszt noun

fourth-tallest mast

handel wysokich częstotliwości noun

program tradingnoun
programmed trading

handel wysokiej częstotliwości noun

program tradingnoun
programmed trading

język [[staro-wysoko-niemiecki]] noun

Old High Germannoun
Old High German

język średnio-wysoko-niemiecki noun

Middle High Germannoun
Middle High German

lepszy wróbel w ręku niż sokół na sęku

a bird in the hand is worth two in the bushsmall but certain advantage is preferable

beggars can't be chooserswhen resources are limited, one must accept even substandard gifts

mam wysokie ciśnienie

I have high blood pressureI have high blood pressure

metoda sokratyczna noun

Socratic methodnoun

osoka noun

water soldiernoun
Stratiotes aloides

posoka noun

vital liquid flowing in human and animal bodies

fetid, watery discharge from a sore

presokratyk noun

any one of the pre-Socratic philosophers

przedsokratejski adjective

related to the pre-Socratic philosophers

pulsoksymetr noun

pulse oximeternoun
device used to monitor oxygen

pulsoksymetria noun

pulse oximetrynoun
method of monitoring of the oxygenation of hemoglobin

silnik wysokoprężny noun

diesel enginenoun
type of engine

słup wysokiego napięcia noun

electricity pylonnoun

a tower like structure used to support high voltage electricity cables

średnio-wysoko-niemiecki noun

Middle High Germannoun
Middle High German

średnio-wysoko-niemiecki adjective

Middle High Germanadjective
Middle High German

stać na wysokości zadania verb

rise to the occasionverb
to show resolve or effectiveness in dealing with a difficulty

stanąć na wysokości zadania verb

rise to the occasionverb
to show resolve or effectiveness in dealing with a difficulty

staro-wysoko-niemiecki adjective

Old High Germanadjective
Old High German

Tatry Wysokie

High Tatra Mountains

High Tatras

torfowisko wysokie noun

raised bognoun

Wasza Wysokość

Your Highness

Wasza Wysokość noun

Your Majestynoun
term of address

wysoka częstotliwość noun

high frequencynoun
frequency area from 3 MHz through 30 MHz

wysoka pozycja noun

respect coming from achievement or development

wysoki adjective

acoustics: of greater frequency

elevated; tall

of great or large quantity

taking place or existing at a high level, altitude or elevation

having a high pitch

high, having great height or stature


História vyhľadávania