Polsčina-Angličtina slovník »

postać znamená v Angličtina

postać noun

being in a story

a person, representing a certain consciousness

collection of entities that creates a unified concept

the physical body seen as distinct from the mind

postać kanoniczna noun

canonical formnoun
standard or normal presentation of a mathematical entity

alternatywna postać normalna noun

disjunctive normal formnoun
the form of a boolean formula that the formula has if the formula is a disjunction of conjunctions of literals, such as “(A and B and C) or (D and E and not F)”

kanoniczna alternatywna postać normalna noun

canonical disjunctive normal formnoun
disjunctive normal form with the additional property that all of the terms of the sum contain the same literals, so that the terms differ from each other only in their patterns of complementation (of their literals)

kanoniczna koniunkcyjna postać normalna noun

canonical conjunctive normal formnoun

koniunkcyjna postać normalna noun

conjunctive normal formnoun

stereotypowa postać fikcyjna noun

stock characternoun
fictional character based on a recognizable stereotype

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