Polsčina-Angličtina slovník »

pod znamená v Angličtina


againstin a contrary direction to

belowlower in spatial position than

underat a lower level than

underbeneath the surface of

undersubject to

underneathunder, below, beneath

pod adverb

below or underneath

pod adresem

care offor distribution by (the named intermediary)

pod batem

under one's thumbunder one's thumb

pod egidą

under the aegis of

under the protection of

pod gołym niebem

in the openoutdoors

under the open sky

under the stars

pod gołym niebem verb

sleep roughverb
to sleep outdoors

pod karą

on pain ofsubject to the punishment or (generally) circumstance of

pod każdym względem

any way one slices itfrom any perspective; in every case

pod klucz adjective

ready to use without further assembly

pod koniec


pod kontrolą

under controlbeing taken care of

pod lufą karabinu

at gunpointunder coercion by someone with a firearm

pod lupę adverb

under the microscopeadverb
under close scrutiny

pod nogami adverb

under one's feet

pod nogi adverb

under one's feet

pod nosem

under one's breathsoftly

pod pantoflem

under one's thumbunder one's thumb

pod pantoflem adjective

plagued or overwhelmed by one's wife

submissive to or dominated by one's wife or other female partner

pod przysięgą

under oath

pod prąd

against the graincontrary to what is expected

pod publiczkę verb

to behave dramatically

pod rząd

in a rowsuccessively

pod ręką

at handwithin easy reach; nearby

on handavailable

pod spodem adverb

below; in a place beneath

on the underside or lower face of

pod swoje skrzydła

under one's wing

pod szczęśliwą gwiazdą

under a lucky star

pod warunkiem, że

providedonly if

pod wiatr

against the graincontrary to what is expected


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