Polsčina-Angličtina slovník »

-o znamená v Angličtina

cudzysłów ostrokątny noun

either of the punctuation marks « or »

cząber ogrodowy noun

summer savorynoun
Satureja hortensis

czarna owca noun

black sheepnoun
person who is not wholesome

czas odjazdu noun

time of departurenoun
the time when an airplane etc. is scheduled to depart

czasznica olbrzymia

giant puffball

czerwone oczy noun

redness in the eye(s) of someone in a colour photograph

czerwony olbrzym noun

red giantnoun
large red star

częstotliwość odświeżania noun

frame ratenoun
measurement of how quickly an imaging device can produce frames

człowiek orkiestra noun

one-man bandnoun
musician who plays several musical instruments

Czo Oju

Cho Oyu

czterdzieści osiem


czuć odrazę verb

to regard with horror or detestation

Czukocki Okręg Autonomiczny

Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

czyściciel okien noun

window cleanernoun

czytać w kimś jak w otwartej księdze verb

read like a bookverb

dąb ostrolistny

evergreen oak

holly oak

dąb ostrolistny noun

holm oaknoun
evergreen tree, Quercus ilex

daleko od verb

far be itverb

dane osobowe noun

personal datanoun

dawać ooszenie verb

advertise(intransitive) to provide information about a person or goods and services to influence others

deska ortopedyczna noun

spine boardnoun
rigid carrying surface

dla odmiany

for a changeas a departure from the usual

długo oczekiwany adjective

having been awaited for a long time

dno oceaniczne noun

ocean floornoun
ocean floor

floor or bottom of the sea or ocean

do odwołania adverb

until further noticeadverb

do oporu adverb

full throttleadverb
all out

do ostatniej kropli krwi

to the last blood

to the last drop of blood

dodać otuchy verb

To instruct or improve morally or intellectually

dodawać otuchy verb

To instruct or improve morally or intellectually

dolać oliwy do ognia verb

add fuel to the fireverb
worsen a conflict

dolewać oliwy do ognia

pour salt on the wound

dolewać oliwy do ognia verb

add fuel to the fireverb
worsen a conflict

dom obłąkanych noun

mental asylum

domek dla owadów noun

insect hotelnoun
man-made structure to house insects

dopiąć na ostatni guzik verb

dot the i's and cross the t'sverb
Take care of every detail

dotrzymać obietnicy verb

hold up one's endverb
to fulfill one's promise or obligation

dotrzymywać obietnicy verb

hold up one's endverb
to fulfill one's promise or obligation


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