Polsčina-Angličtina slovník »

-my znamená v Angličtina

eksperyment myślowy noun

thought experimentnoun
attempt to solve a problem using human imagination

fabryka mydła noun

factory making soap

gdy kota nie ma, myszy harcują

when the cat's away the mice will playin the absence of a controlling entity, subordinates will take advantage of circumstances

while the cat is away, the mice will play

grosik za twoje myśli

penny for your thoughtsinquiry into the thoughts

jak kota nie ma w domu, myszy harcują

when the cat's awayPeople take advantage of the absence of authority

jeśli się nie my

if I'm not mistaken

jeśli wiesz, co mam na myśli

if you know what I meanused to allude to something unsaid or hinted at

komputer robiący mapy myśli noun

mind mappernoun

mapa myśli noun

mind mapnoun

mieć na myśli

get at

have in mind

mieć na myśli verb

to intend to express, to imply, to hint at, to allude

nocek myszouchy

little brown bat

nóż myśliwski noun

hunting knifenoun

opera mydlana noun

soap operanoun
television serial

osoba robiąca mapy myśli noun

mind mappernoun

piana mydlana noun

foam of soap and water

pies myśliwski noun

hunting dognoun

sniffer dognoun
police dog trained to sniff

płyn do mycia naczyń

dish detergent

dish soap

dishwashing liquid

płyn do mycia naczyń noun

washing-up liquidnoun
liquid soap used to wash dishes

płyn do mycia szyb noun

glass cleanernoun
a specific formula of cleaning fluid for glass surfaces

pocić się jak mysz verb

sweat like a pigverb
sweat profusely

podkładka pod mysz

mouse mat


podkładka pod mysz noun

mouse padnoun
mouse pad

policja myśli noun

thought policenoun
a group that aims to control what other people think

pozory my

beauty is only skin deepa person's character is more important than their outward appearance

pozytywne myślenie noun

positive thinkingnoun
focusing on thoughts of success

przywodzić na myśl verb

to imply, to suggest

pułapka na myszy


ręka rękę myje

you scratch my back and I'll scratch yoursif you do me a favor then I will do you a favor

samolot myśliwski noun

fighter planenoun
military aircraft

siedzieć cicho jak mysz pod miotłą

quiet as a mousevery quiet

siedzieć jak mysz pod miotłą

quiet as a mousevery quiet

skrót myślowy

mental shortcut

spocić się jak mysz verb

sweat like a pigverb
sweat profusely


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