Polnisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

-ka bedeutet auf Englisch

maszyna łamiąca kamienie noun

machine for breaking rocks or coal

mewa kanadyjska noun

Bonaparte's gullnoun
Chroicocephalus philadelphia

miara ta noun

measure of such a figure

mieć głowę na karku verb

have a head on one's shouldersverb

have one's head screwed onverb

mieszkać tem

be put up

milczeć jak kamień adjective

silent as the graveadjective
to say absolutely nothing

młynek do kawy noun

coffee grindernoun
a device for pulverizing or powdering coffee beans

coffee millnoun
A device designed for grinding coffee beans

moczarka kanadyjska

American waterweed

Canadian waterweed

modem kablowy noun

cable modemnoun
A modem that connects a personal computer to a fibre optic cable

modraszka kanaryjska noun

African blue titnoun
Cyanistes teneriffae

mokry kaszel noun

wet coughnoun
coughing with expectoration

Morze Karaibskie noun


Caribbean Seanoun
a tropical sea in the Western Hemisphere

Morze Karskie

Kara Sea

Morze Kaspijskie noun

Caspian Seanoun
landlocked sea

mostek kapitański noun

bridge(nautical) platform above the upper deck

narrow elevated stage on which models parade

computer network access point

aviation: mobile staircase

muflon kanadyjski

bighorn sheep

muzyka kameralna noun

chamber musicnoun
chamber music

mydło kastylijskie noun

Castile soapnoun
type of soap

na kacu adjective

hung overadjective
suffering from a hangover

na kawałki adverb

into separate parts

into pieces or parts

nadać rangę kawalers verb

to confer a knighthood upon

nadmiar kalorii noun

calorie bombnoun

nadmierne karmienie noun


nadstawiać karku

out on a limb

nadstawiać karku verb

stick one's neck outverb
putting oneself in a vulnerable position

nadstawić karku verb

stick one's neck outverb
putting oneself in a vulnerable position

nagrywać na kasecie wideo verb

to make a recording on videotape

najwyższy wymiar kary noun

capital punishmentnoun
punishment by death

nasiono kakao noun

cocoa beannoun
seed of the cocoa plant

nie każ mi zaczynać

don't get someone startedused to attempt to avoid a discussion

nie odkryć kart verb

keep one's cards close to one's chestverb

nie odkrywać kart verb

keep one's cards close to one's chestverb