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-ka bedeutet auf Englisch

francuski kalendarz republikański noun

French Republican Calendarnoun
calendar used for twelve years in revolutionary France

francuski kalendarz rewolucyjny noun

French Republican Calendarnoun
calendar used for twelve years in revolutionary France

futbol kanadyjski noun

Canadian footballnoun

gol strzelony z rzutu karnego noun

penalty goalnoun
goal scored from a penalty

gol z rzutu karnego noun

penalty goalnoun
goal scored from a penalty

gol zdobyty z rzutu karnego noun

penalty goalnoun
goal scored from a penalty

Górski Karabach noun

region in South Caucasus

Góry Kaledońskie

Northwest Highlands

Góry Kambryjskie

Cambrian Mountains

Góry Kantabryjskie noun

Cantabrian Mountainsnoun
mountain range

Góry Katalońskie

Catalan Mediterranean System

gra karciana noun

card gamenoun
any of very many games played with playing cards

gra w karty noun

card gamenoun
any of very many games played with playing cards

grać w otwarte karty verb

play it straightverb
to behave in a manner that is straightforward, honest, or sincere

put one's cards on the tableverb
to reveal one's true intentions

granat karabinowy

rifle grenade

groch z kapustą



gruby kawał noun

dirty jokenoun
joke with an obscene punchline

grupa karboksylowa noun


iglicowy karabin noun

needle gunnoun
a firearm that has a needle-like firing pin

iloczyn kartezjański noun

Cartesian productnoun
set of possible pairs

imbryk do kawy noun

coffee potnoun
pot for coffee

instalacja wodno-kanalizacyjna noun

pipes, etc, of a water/gas/sewage system in a building

internet kablowy noun

cable internetnoun
internet connectivity received through coaxial cables

jak kamień w wodę

into thin air

without a traceNot to leave any traces behind, to disappear

jarząbek kanadyjski noun

spruce grousenoun
Falcipennis canadensis

jestem katolicz

I'm a CatholicI'm a Catholic

jestem katolikiem

I'm a CatholicI'm a Catholic

Jezioro Czterech Kantonów

Lake Lucerne

jezioro karowe noun

small mountain lake

język karaimski noun

Kipchak Turkic language with Aramaic and Persian influences

kandyzowany kasztan noun

marron glacénoun
chestnut preserved in sugar or syrup and flavoured with vanilla



kiszona kapusta noun

a dish made by fermenting finely chopped cabbage

kodeks karny

penal code

kodeks karny noun

criminal codenoun
document which compiles a particular jurisdiction's criminal law

koło kastora noun

wheeled assembly

kolonia karna

penal colony


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