Polnisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

-ka bedeutet auf Englisch

bramka z rzutu karnego noun

penalty goalnoun
goal scored from a penalty

bramka zdobyta z rzutu karnego noun

penalty goalnoun
goal scored from a penalty

brązowy karzeł noun

brown dwarfnoun
starlike object

Bród Kamienny

Kamianyi Brid

brzydkie kaczątko noun

ugly ducklingnoun
one who is ugly, but who is expected to become beautiful as they mature

cena katalogowa noun

list pricenoun
retail selling price

chrabąszcz kasztanowy

forest cockchafer

Cieśnina Kaletańska noun

Strait of Dovernoun
strait in the English Channel

ciężki kawałek chleba

hard-earned money

cisnąć w t


let go to hell

cnoty kardynalne

cardinal virtues

cynamonowiec kamforowy

camphor tree

camphorwood camphor laurel

czarny karzeł noun

black dwarfnoun
cooled white dwarf

czepek pielowy

shower cap

czerwona kapusta noun

red cabbagenoun
a variety of cabbage having red leaves

czerwona kartka noun

red cardnoun
sports: card

Czerwony Kapturek noun

Little Red Riding Hoodnoun
a folktale

Little Red Riding Hoodnoun
the main character in this story

czerwony karzeł noun

red dwarfnoun
small star

czubajka kania noun

parasol mushroomnoun
Macrolepiota procera

czy akceptujecie karty kredytowe?

do you accept credit cardsdo you accept credit cards?

dać sobie w ka verb

get drunkverb
to intoxicate oneself with alcohol

dając człowiekowi rybę - karmisz go na jeden dzień; dając człowiekowi wędkę - karmisz go na całe życie.

give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetimemore worthwhile to teach someone than do it for them

darlingtonia kalifornijska

California pitcher plant

cobra lily

cobra plant

Darlingtonia californica

do greckich kalend

a week from next Tuesday

Dolna Kanada noun

Lower Canadanoun
Former colony

domek z kart noun

candle in the windnoun
a fragile or vulnerable thing

house of cardsnoun
structure made by stacking playing cards

house of cardsnoun
structure or argument built on a shaky foundation

Dżammu i Kaszmir noun

Jammu and Kashmirnoun
portion of the territory which is governed by India

dział kalkulacji kosztów noun

cost centernoun

eksplozja kambryjska noun

Cambrian explosionnoun
the rapid appearance, around 541 million years ago, of most major animal phyla

ekspres do kawy noun

kitchen apparatus used to brew and filter coffee

ekstrakt kawy noun

coffee extractnoun
concentrated liquid

epoka kamienia noun

Stone Agenoun
prehistoric period