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les bedeutet auf Englisch


the(with an adjectival noun, as in "the hungry" to mean "hungry people")
[UK: ðə] [US: ðə]

les {Pl}

[UK: ðə] [US: ðə]

les affaires sont les affaires phrase

business is business◼◼◼(business matters)
[UK: ˈbɪz.nəs ɪz ˈbɪz.nəs] [US: ˈbɪz.nəs ˈɪz ˈbɪz.nəs]

les Andes nom propre

Andes◼◼◼(mountain range in South America)
proper noun
[UK: ˈæn.diːz] [US: ˈæn.diz]

les Anglais ont débarqué nom propre

Aunt Flo◼◼◼(slang, personification of the menstrual period)
proper noun

les années soixante-dix nom {f pl}

seventies◼◼◼(the decade of the 1970s)
[UK: ˈsevn.tɪz] [US: ˈse.vən.tiz]

les apparences sont parfois trompeuses phrase

appearances are deceptive(Appearance is not enough to judge anything or anyone)
[UK: ə.ˈpɪə.rən.sɪz ə(r) dɪ.ˈsep.tɪv] [US: ə.ˈpɪ.rən.səz ˈɑːr də.ˈsep.tɪv]

les autres nom {m pl} nom {f pl}

others◼◼◼(other people)
[UK: ˈʌð.əz] [US: ˈʌð.r̩z]

les avantages nom

pro [pros]◼◼◼(advantage of something)
[UK: prəʊ] [US: ˈproʊ]

les Açores nom propre

Azores◼◼◼(an archipelago and an autonomous region)
proper noun
[UK: ə.ˈzɔːz] [US: ə.ˈzɔːrz]

les bases de adjectif

101◼◼◼(basic, beginner)

les bons comptes font les bons amis phrase

short reckonings make long friendsphrase

les borgnes sont rois phrase

in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king◼◼◼(In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king)
[UK: ɪn ðə lænd əv ðə blaɪnd ðə wʌn aɪd mæn ɪz kɪŋ] [US: ɪn ðə ˈlænd əv ðə ˈblaɪnd ðə wʌn ˈaɪd ˈmæn ˈɪz ˈkɪŋ]

les boules interjection

bollocks◼◼◼(expressing anger, frustration)
[UK: ˈbɒl.əks] [US: ˈbɑːl.əks]

les briser verbe

badger [badgered, badgering, badgers](pester)
[UK: ˈbæ.dʒə(r)] [US: ˈbæ.dʒər]

bust someone's balls(to irritate someone)

les carottes sont cuites phrase

goose is cooked◼◼◼(all hope is gone)

les casser verbe

break someone's balls(to irritate someone)

Les Cayes nom propre

proper noun
[UK: ˈkeɪz] [US: ˈkeɪz]

Cayes◼◼◼(port municipality)
proper noun
[UK: ˈkeɪz] [US: ˈkeɪz]

les chats ne font pas des chiens phrase

a wild goose never laid a tame egg(most things are inherited and predetermined)

les chiens aboient phrase

the dogs bark, but the caravan goes on◼◼◼(life goes on even if some will try to stop progress)
[UK: ðə dɒɡz bɑːk bʌt ðə ˈkæ.rə.væn ɡəʊz ɒn] [US: ðə ˈdɑːɡz ˈbɑːrk ˈbət ðə ˈkæ.rə.ˌvæn ɡoʊz ɑːn]

les Chiens de chasse nom propre

Canes Venatici◼◼◼(constellation)
proper noun
[UK: keɪnz] [US: ˈkeɪnz]

les chiens ne font pas des chats phrase

a wild goose never laid a tame egg(most things are inherited and predetermined)

les chiens ne font pas des chats (dogs don't beget cats) phrase

the apple does not fall far from the tree(a child is similar to its parents)

les Chinois nom propre

Chinese◼◼◼proper noun
[UK: tʃaɪ.ˈniːz] [US: tʃaɪ.ˈniːz]

les chômeurs adjectif

unemployed◼◼◼(unemployed, used as a substantive: the unemployed as a group)
[UK: ˌʌ.nɪmˈplɔɪd] [US: ˌʌ.nem.ˌplɔɪd]

les cordonniers sont toujours les plus mal chaussés (the shoemakers always wear the worst shoes) phrase

the shoemaker's children go barefoot(one often neglects those closest to oneself)

les dames d’abord phrase

ladies first◼◼◼phrase
[UK: ˈleɪ.dɪz ˈfɜːst] [US: ˈleɪ.diz ˈfɝːst]

les deux determiner

both◼◼◼(each of two; one and the other)
[UK: bəʊθ] [US: boʊθ]

les deux côtés de la médaille nom {m pl}

two sides of the same coin◼◼◼noun

les divers phrase

any other business◼◼◼(last item on the agenda of a meeting)

les doigts dans le nez adverbe

hands down◼◼◼(without much effort, easily)
[UK: hændz daʊn] [US: ˈhændz ˈdaʊn]

with one's eyes closedadverb

les doigts dans le nez adjectif

all in a day's work(a nonchalant dismissal of a significant accomplishment.)

les dés sont jetés phrase

the die is cast◼◼◼(conclusive action has been taken, so events will proceed in an irreversible manner)
[UK: ðə daɪ ɪz kɑːst] [US: ðə ˈdaɪ ˈɪz ˈkæst]

les femmes et les enfants d’abord phrase

women and children first◼◼◼(exhortation)

les Flandres nom propre

Flanders◼◼◼(subnational state in the north of federal Belgium)
proper noun
[UK: ˈflæn.dərz] [US: ˈflæn.dərz]

les grands esprits se rencontrent phrase

great minds think alike◼◼◼(used to emphasize two people reaching the same conclusion)
[UK: ˈɡreɪt maɪndz ˈθɪŋk ə.ˈlaɪk] [US: ˈɡreɪt ˈmaɪndz ˈθɪŋk ə.ˈlaɪk]

les jeunes nom {m pl}

youth [youths]◼◼◼(young persons, collectively)
[UK: juːθ] [US: ˈjuːθ]