Französisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

de la bedeutet auf Englisch

membre de la belle-famille nom {f}

in-law◼◼◼(relative by marriage)
[UK: ɪn lɔː] [US: ɪn ˈlɑː]

membre de la tribu nom {m}

tribesman [tribesmen]◼◼◼(member of a tribe)
[UK: ˈtraɪbz.mən] [US: ˈtraɪbz.mæn]

Mer de la Tranquillité nom propre

Sea of Tranquility◼◼◼proper noun

mère de la belle-fille nom {f}

co-mother-in-law(mother of one's son- or daughter-in-law)
[UK: kəʊ ˈmʌð.ə(r) ɪn lɔː] [US: ˈkoʊ ˈmʌð.r̩ ɪn ˈlɑː]

co-parent-in-law(the parent of one's son- or daughter-in-law)

mère de la nation nom {f}

mother of the nation◼◼◼noun

ministre de la Justice nom {m}

minister of justice◼◼◼noun
[UK: ˈmɪ.nɪ.stə(r) əv ˈdʒʌst.ɪs] [US: ˈmɪ.nə.stər əv ˈdʒʌst.ɪs]

mois de la fierté nom propre

Pride Month◼◼◼(LGBT celebration month)
proper noun

montée de lait nom {f}

let-down(release of milk)
[UK: ˈlet daʊn] [US: ˈlet daʊn]

mot de la fin nom {m}

punch line◼◼◼(final, concluding statement)
[UK: pʌntʃ laɪn] [US: ˈpəntʃ ˈlaɪn]

Mur de la honte nom

wall of shame◼◼◼(collection)

mystère de la nativité nom

nativity play(the production/performance)
[UK: nə.ˈtɪ.vɪ.ti ˈpleɪ] [US: nə.ˈtɪ.və.ti ˈpleɪ]

ne pas être né de la dernière pluie verbe

be born yesterday(to be inexperienced)

have been aroundverb

ne pas se prendre pour de la merde verbe

think one's shit doesn't stink(to be arrogant or overconfident)

ne plus savoir où donner de la tête verbe

not know which way to turnverb

niveau de la mer nom {m}

sea level [sea levels]◼◼◼(nominal height of the surface of the oceans above which heights of geographical features and aircraft flight levels are measured)
[UK: siː ˈlev.l̩] [US: ˈsiː ˈlev.l̩]

niveau de langue nom {m}

register [registers]◼◼◼(linguistics: style of a language used in a particular context)
[UK: ˈre.dʒɪ.stə(r)] [US: ˈre.dʒə.stər]

objet de la ceinture de Kuiper nom {m}

Kuiper belt object◼◼◼(minor planet with an orbit in the Kuiper belt)

Okrug autonome de la Tchoukotka nom propre

Chukotka Autonomous Okrug(a federal subject of Russia (an autonomous okrug) located partly on the Chukotka Peninsula)
proper noun

on ne fait pas de soie avec de la toile de sac phrase

you can't make a silk purse of a sow's ear(it is not possible to produce something refined from something which is unrefined)

Organisation mondiale de la santé nom {f}

World Health Organization◼◼◼(UN public health agency, see also: WHO)
proper noun

os de la hanche nom {m}

hip bone [hip bones]◼◼◼(bone)
[UK: hɪp bəʊn] [US: ˈhɪp ˈboʊn]

ôter les mots de la bouche verbe

take the words out of someone's mouthverb

papillon gris de la farine nom {m}

Mediterranean flour moth [Mediterranean flour moths](type of moth that feeds on grain)
[UK: ˌme.dɪ.tə.ˈreɪ.nɪən ˈflaʊə(r) mɒθ] [US: ˌme.də.tə.ˈreɪ.niən ˈflaʊər ˈmɒθ]

paradoxe de l’œuf et de la poule nom {m}

chicken-or-egg question(a question to decide which of two interdependent things happened first)

parler de la pluie et du beau temps verbe

chit-chat(to engage in small talk)
[UK: ˈtʃɪt tʃæt] [US: ˈtʃɪt tʃæt]

pas de latex phrase

no glove, no love◼◼◼phrase

pays de la liberté nom propre

Land of Liberty◼◼◼proper noun

Pays de la Loire nom propre

Pays de la Loire◼◼◼(region of France)
proper noun

pendant la tombée de la nuit preposition

at dark(during nightfall)

père de la belle-fille nom {m}

co-father-in-law(father of one's son- or daughter-in-law)
[UK: kəʊ ˈfɑːð.ə(r) ɪn lɔː] [US: ˈkoʊ ˈfɑːð.r̩ ɪn ˈlɑː]

co-parent-in-law(the parent of one's son- or daughter-in-law)

père de la nation nom {m}

father of the nation◼◼◼noun

perruche de Latham nom {f}

swift parrot◼◼◼(a type of a parrot)

petit de la corneille nom

squab [squabs](baby rook)
[UK: skwɒb] [US: skwɒb]

petites heures de la matinée nom {f pl}

wee small hours◼◼◼(very early morning)

pierre de la faim nom {f}

hunger stone(stone in a river visible during a drought, marking the water level as a warning of famine if the water reaches that low level again)

piment de la jamaïque nom {m}

allspice [allspices]◼◼◼(spice)
[UK: ˈɔːl.spaɪs] [US: ˈɒl.ˌspaɪs]

point de Lagrange nom {m}

Lagrange point◼◼◼(point in an orbital configuration)


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