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revenu znamená v Angličtina

revenu nom {m}

income [incomes]◼◼◼(money one earns by working or by capitalising on the work of others)
[UK: ˈɪŋkʌm] [US: ˈɪnˌkəm]
He has a fair income. = Il a un bon revenu.

revenue [revenues]◼◼◼(all income for some treasury by taxation e.a.)
[UK: ˈre.və.njuː] [US: ˈre.və.ˌnuː]
Many websites are supported by revenue from advertising. = Beaucoup de sites web sont financés par des revenus publicitaires.

revenue [revenues]◼◼◼(income from an investment)
[UK: ˈre.və.njuː] [US: ˈre.və.ˌnuː]
Many websites are supported by revenue from advertising. = Beaucoup de sites web sont financés par des revenus publicitaires.

revenue [revenues]◼◼◼(total income from a given source)
[UK: ˈre.və.njuː] [US: ˈre.və.ˌnuː]
Many websites are supported by revenue from advertising. = Beaucoup de sites web sont financés par des revenus publicitaires.

revenue [revenues]◼◼◼(turnover, total sales)
[UK: ˈre.və.njuː] [US: ˈre.və.ˌnuː]
Many websites are supported by revenue from advertising. = Beaucoup de sites web sont financés par des revenus publicitaires.

revenu brut nom {m}

gross income◼◼◼(income prior to expenses)

revenu de base nom {m}

basic income◼◼◼noun

revenu disponible nom {m}

disposable income◼◼◼(amount of a person's income which is available to be saved or spent)

revenu national brut nom {m}

gross national income◼◼◼(total market value of all the goods and services produced by a nation, see also: gross national product)

revenus nom {m pl}

revenue [revenues]◼◼◼(all income for some treasury by taxation e.a.)
[UK: ˈre.və.njuː] [US: ˈre.və.ˌnuː]
Many websites are supported by revenue from advertising. = Beaucoup de sites web sont financés par des revenus publicitaires.

earnings [earnings]◼◼◼(wages, money earned, income)
[UK: ˈɜː.nɪŋz] [US: ˈɝː.nɪŋz]

déclaration de revenus nom {f}

tax return◼◼◼(declaration of income to the tax authority)
[UK: tæks rɪ.ˈtɜːn] [US: ˈtæks rə.ˈtɝːn]

impôt sur le revenu nom {m}

income tax [income taxes]◼◼◼(tax levied on income)
[UK: ˈɪŋkʌm tæks] [US: ˈɪnˌkəm ˈtæks]

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