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office znamená v Angličtina

office nom {m}

office [offices]◼◼◼(ceremonial religious duty or rite)
[UK: ˈɒf.ɪs] [US: ˈɑːf.əs]
There is a tourist office near the hotel. = Il y a un office de tourisme près de l'hôtel.

office [offices]◼◼◼(room(s) or building used for non-manual work)
[UK: ˈɒf.ɪs] [US: ˈɑːf.əs]
There is a tourist office near the hotel. = Il y a un office de tourisme près de l'hôtel.

Office américain des brevets et marques nom propre

PTO◼◼◼(United States Patent and Trademark Office)
proper noun
[UK: ˌpi:.ˌtiː.ˈəʊ] [US: ˌpi:.ˌtiːˈo.ʊ]

office de police [Louisiana] nom {f}

police station [police stations]◼◼◼(building of police force)
[UK: pə.ˈliːs ˈsteɪʃ.n̩] [US: pə.ˈliːs ˈsteɪʃ.n̩]

office de tourisme nom {m}

tourist office◼◼◼(office which provides information for tourists)
[UK: ˈtʊə.rɪst ˈɒf.ɪs] [US: ˈtʊ.rəst ˈɑːf.əs]

office des Grandes Heures nom {m}

Great Hours(a particularly solemn celebration in the Eastern Orthodox Church)

office religieux nom {m}

church service◼◼◼(communal worship)
[UK: ˈtʃɜːtʃ.ˌsɜː.vɪs] [US: ˈtʃɜːtʃ.ˌsɜː.vɪs]

back office nom {m}

back office◼◼◼noun
[UK: ˈbæk ˈɒf.ɪs] [US: ˈbæk ˈɑːf.əs]

bon office (service rendered) nom {m}

good offices◼◼◼noun

bons offices (concilatory mediation) nom {m pl}

good offices◼◼◼noun

couteau d'office nom {m}

paring knife◼◼◼(A thin-bladed knife for paring fruit)

mandat [in office] nom {m}

term [terms]◼◼◼(period in office or prison)
[UK: tɜːm] [US: ˈtɝːm]
The president's term lasts five years. = Le mandat du président dure cinq ans.

História vyhľadávania