Englisch-Spanisch Wörterbuch »

with bedeutet auf Spanisch

tar with the same brush (to characterize (someone or something) using the same undesirable attribute, especially unjustly)

meter en el mismo sacoverb

the road to hell is paved with good intentions (well-intended acts can lead to disasters)
[UK: ðə rəʊd tuː hel ɪz peɪvd wɪð ɡʊd ɪn.ˈten.ʃn̩z]
[US: ðə roʊd ˈtuː ˈhel ˈɪz ˈpeɪvd wɪθ ˈɡʊd ˌɪn.ˈten.tʃn̩z]

el camino al infierno está empedrado de buenas intencionesphrase

el infierno está empedrado de buenas intencionesphrase

el infierno está lleno de buenas intencionesphrase

the streets are paved with gold (place where it is easy to live well)

los perros se atan con longanizaphrase

to do with (relate or relevant to)

: tener algo que ver conpreposition

tener que ver conpreposition

what does that have to do with the price of tea in China (a comment used to indicate that a previous comment is irrelevant or unimportant)

manzanas traigophrase

qué tienen que ver los cojones con comer trigophrase

¿De dónde vienes? Manzanas traigophrase

wherewithal (the ability and means to accomplish some task)
[UK: ˈweə.wɪ.ðɔːl]
[US: ˈwer.wə.ˌðɒl]


you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar (It is easier to persuade others with polite requests and a positive attitude rather than with rude demands and negativity)

más moscas se cogen con miel que con hielphrase

you kiss your mother with that mouth (rhetorical question used to indicate that the other person's speech has become too obscene or vulgar)

con esa boca comes panphrase