Englisch-Polnisch Wörterbuch »

thing bedeutet auf Polnisch

the way I see things

po mojemu

there is nothing new under the sun there is nothing new

nic nowego pod słońcem

there's no such thing as a free lunch nothing is free; everything has a price

nie ma darmowych obiadów

tinsmithing noun



to say nothing of apophasis used to mention another important, usually related, point

nie mówiąc już o

too much of a good thing

za dużo dobrego

up to something adjective
doing something mischievous or scheming


wolf in sheep's clothing noun
someone or something harmful or threatening but disguised as something peaceful or pleasant

wilk w jagnięcej skórzenoun

wilk w owczej skórzenoun

worse things happen at sea

mogłoby być gorzej