Englisch-Polnisch Wörterbuch »

sleeve bedeutet auf Polnisch

sleeve noun
part of a garment that covers the arm


sleeve noun
record cover


sleeve board noun
small ironing board


rękawnik do prasowanianoun



sleeveless adjective
of a garment, having no sleeves

bez rękawówadjective

ace up one's sleeve noun
a surprise of which others are not aware

as w rękawienoun

have an ace up one's sleeve

mieć asa w rękawie

laugh in one's sleeve verb
laugh secretly

śmiać sięverb

roll up one's sleeves verb
prepare to work

zakasać rękawyverb

roll up one's sleeves verb
roll one's sleeves up

zakasać rękawyverb

up one's sleeve hidden, in reserve

w rękawie

w zanadrzu

wear one's heart on one's sleeve verb
to be transparent or forthright about one's emotions

mieć serce na dłoniverb