Englisch-Polnisch Wörterbuch »

one- bedeutet auf Polnisch

don't get someone started used to attempt to avoid a discussion

nie zaczynaj

don't put all your eggs in one basket do not dedicate all your resources to one project

nie stawiaj wszystkiego na jedną kartę.

done for adjective
without hope


drive someone to an early grave

wpędzić do grobu

drive someone up the wall verb

doprowadzić kogoś do szałuverb

drone-laying queen

matka trutowa

drone on verb



Elbe Sandstone Mountains

Góry Połabskie

for all someone cares someone really doesn't care (if)

nie obchodzić kogoś

for one thing (to introduce the first item)

po pierwsze

foregone conclusion noun
predictable or inevitable conclusion

rezultat przesądzony z górynoun

gemstone tree

drzewko szczęścia

give as good as one gets

nie pozostawać dłużnym

give someone a piece of one's mind verb
to rebuke someone



give someone five verb
to slap someone's hand


give someone the cold shoulder verb


give someone the shits verb
vulgar: to annoy someone intensely


give someone the shits verb
vulgar: to frighten someone


go in one ear and out the other verb
to be heard but not attended to

jednym uchem wchodzi, a drugim wychodziverb

gramophone record

płyta gramofonowa

have one foot in the grave verb

być jedną nogą na tamtym świecieverb

być jedną nogą w grobieverb

stać nad grobemverb

wybierać się na tamten światverb

have someone in the palm of one's hand verb
to have full control over someone

mieć w garściverb



if it's not one thing, it's another

jak nie urok, to przemarsz wojsk

improve one skill


in one own sweet way

po swojemu

in one piece

cały i zdrowy

in one way kind type


in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king

w kraju ślepców jednooki jest królem

is anyone here a doctor is anyone here a doctor?

czy ktoś tu jest lekarzem?

is anyone sitting here is anyone sitting here?

czy to miejsce jest wolne?

it takes one to know one an insult which is true about both the sender and the receiver

swój swojego zawsze pozna

keep someone company verb
remain with someone

dotrzymywać towarzystwaverb

kick someone when they are down verb
make things worse for someone

kopać leżącegoverb

kill two birds with one stone verb
solve two problems at once

upiec dwie pieczenie na jednym ogniuverb