Englisch-Polnisch Wörterbuch »

one's bedeutet auf Polnisch

come to someone's aid verb
to assist and rescue someone

przyjść z pomocąverb

come to someone's rescue verb
to rescue someone from further harm

przychodzić z pomocąverb

przyjść z pomocąverb

cool one's heels verb
to wait impatiently or restlessly


count one's blessings verb
count one's blessings

ciesz się tym, co maszverb

count one's chickens before they're hatched

dzielić skórę na niedźwiedziu

cross one's fingers verb
do this or a similar gesture to wish for good luck

trzymać kciukiverb

cross one's fingers verb
put the middle finger across the index finger

krzyżować palceverb

skrzyżować palceverb

cry one's eyes out verb
to weep for an elongated time

wypłakiwać oczyverb

cudgel one's brain

zachodzić w głowę

cut of one's jib noun
person’s general appearance, manner, or style


do one's bit verb
to make an individual contribution toward an overall effort

robić swojeverb

zrobić swojeverb

do one's business verb

załatwiać sięverb

załatwić sięverb

draw one's last breath verb
to die

wycisnąć ostatni dechverb

drown one's sorrows verb
to drink alcohol heavily to deal with miserable feelings

topić smutkiverb

drunk off one's ass

pijany w trzy dupy

earn one's keep verb
to be worthwhile

opłacać sięverb

eat one's heart out verb
feel overwhelming negative emotion

zadręczać sięverb

zadręczyć sięverb

enter one's name


feather in one's cap noun
recognized accomplishment


fight for one's life verb
to be in danger of dying

walczyć ze śmierciąverb

figment of one's imagination noun
product of the imagination



find one's way


fix someone's wagon verb

zadać bobuverb

flex one's muscles verb
to make a show of strength

prężyć muskułyverb

flex one's muscles verb
to tense and bend one's flexor muscles

prężyć muskułyverb

fly by the seat of one's pants verb
to improvise a course of action

chodzić overb

follow in someone's footsteps verb
follow the same path as someone

iść w czyjeś śladyverb

pójść w czyjeś śladyverb

force one's way verb

przepchać sięverb

przepychać sięverb

frog in one's throat noun
hoarseness (idiomatic)

mieć chrypkęnoun

from the bottom of one's heart in earnest, with one's full feelings

z głębi serca

fuck someone's brains out verb
to sexually penetrate in a voracious but pleasurable manner


get on someone's case verb
lecture, berate or complain to somebody
