Englisch-Polnisch Wörterbuch »

numb bedeutet auf Polnisch

complex number noun
number of the form a + bi

liczba zespolonanoun

composite number noun
number that is the product of two natural numbers other than itself and 1

liczba złożonanoun

cushy number noun
job or task that is easy to do; a position that requires little work or is undemanding

ciepła posadkanoun

cyclic number noun
integer for which cyclic permutations of the digits are successive integer multiples of the number

liczba kolistanoun

decimal number noun
number expressed in the decimal system

liczba dziesiętnanoun

dual number noun
element of the algebra of dual numbers

liczba dualnanoun

even number noun
positive integer that can be divided by two

liczba parzystanoun

f-number noun
ratio of the focal length of a lens to its diameter


flight number noun

numer rejsunoun

floating-point number noun
computing: real number held as a pair of integers, representing the mantissa and the exponent

liczba zmiennoprzecinkowanoun

floating-point number noun
number written in the form a × bc

liczba zapisana w notacji wykładniczejnoun

Froude number noun

liczba Froude'anoun

house number noun
street address

numer domunoun

imaginary number noun
number of the form bi

liczba urojonanoun

integer number

liczba całkowita

irrational number noun
real number that is not rational

liczba niewymiernanoun

Mach number


mass number noun
number of protons and neutrons in an atomic nucleus

liczba masowanoun

mind-numbing adjective
excessively boring


mind-numbingly adverb


natural number noun
positive integer or non-negative integer

liczba naturalnanoun

negative number noun
negative number

liczba ujemnanoun

odd number noun

liczba nieparzystanoun

one's days are numbered some period of time is coming to an end

czyjeś dni są policzone

ordinal number noun
arithmetic: number used to denote position in a sequence

liczba porządkowanoun

ordinal number noun
generalized kind of number to denote the length of a well-order on a set

liczba porządkowanoun

ordinal number noun
grammar: word used to denote relative position in a sequence

liczba porządkowanoun

liczebnik porządkowynoun

outnumber verb
be more in number


przewaga liczebnaverb

penumbra noun
partially shaded area around a shadow, especially an eclipse


perfect number noun
a number that is the sum of all of its divisors except itself

liczba doskonałanoun

positive number noun
positive number

liczba dodatnianoun

prime number noun
natural number

liczba pierwszanoun

quantum number noun
number that specifies the state of a quantum mechanical system

liczba kwantowanoun

random number noun
number allotted randomly using a suitable generator

liczba losowanoun

rational number noun
quotient of integers

liczba wymiernanoun

real number noun
limit of a convergent sequence of rational numbers

liczba rzeczywistanoun

rectangular number noun
number which is the product of two consecutive integers

liczba prostokątnanoun

serial number noun
unique number assigned to unit

numer seryjnynoun


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